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Social Contributions

Amino Up is Committed to the SDGs

United Nations (UN)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

▪ The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by all United Nations member states through a consensus reached at a UN summit held in New York in September, 2015. The 17 goals serve as a blueprint for the establishment of a sustainable society by 2030.
▪ With ‘No one will be left behind’ as its philosophy, the goals aim to achieve peace and prosperity worldwide, and by ensuring that development is sustainable, they also aim to tackle climate change during the same time-frame.

▪ We, Amino Up, will implement SDGs initiatives made possible by our unique philosophies into our corporate operations, and are committed to achieving these goals by 2030.

Social Contributions

Amino Up works to contribute to society through a variety of activities, such as supporting local art and culture. Our employees all also take part in volunteer activities to support the local community. Employees do not just function as our staff, but on an individual level come to further appreciate society.

Community Communication Activities : Giving Factory Tours to Groups from Local Towns and Cities

Examples of our effective use of reusable energies include solar power generation, snow cooling system, geothermal heating system, and our usage of sunlight. Furthermore, we also adhere to a policy of local produce for local consumption, and try to protect nearby biodiversity. 

We also place huge importance on the local people, and people worldwide. As such, we are always delighted to welcome people to our facility. As of 2013, over 1,300 people from all over the world have visited our factory.

Employee Social Contribution Activity

Our employees help with keeping the surrounding areas clean, and also assist with welfare activities, blood donation, and sports communities. Self-improvement is one of the mottos of our company.

 Biodiversity Studies

We also do our very best to limit our environmental impact. As a part of that, we regularly conduct studies into the biodiversity around our premises, and aim to live in harmony with the wildlife around our company